QueryPie DAC
Database Access Controller

Data protection in the cloud era involves connecting various ecosystems within the cloud and automatically identifying sensitive data and personal information.

5 Key Features of DAC

Access Control

To control access based both on user roles and on attributes such as time, day, IP, SQL type, and more.

Web SQL Editor

To provide a built-in web SQL editor that allows you to connect to the database, execute queries, import and export data, all within a web browser without a separate SQL client installation.

Data Audit &

To record and receive alerts for all user activities, such as user authentication, login records, authorization granting and revocation records, DB access, SQL execution, and query results, in order to detect any suspicious signs or anomalies.

Limited Policy for Data Masking & Table/Column Query

To minimize personal information exposure, it is possible to apply data masking policies using pre-defined patterns. Additionally, you can enforce access restrictions on important tables/columns by limited query policies.

Access Control to over 20 different Data Sources

To support access control for various types of data sources, including not only RDBMS but also NoSQL databases, query engines, data warehouses, and more.

How QueryPie DAC Works

QueryPie integrates seamlessly into existing data environments.
Administrators can integrate identity providers such as Azure Active Directory, OneLogin, and Okta into data access policies. Users can access the data source using QueryPie’s native SQL editor or any third-party analytics tools without changing their previous data workflows.

Easy Installation, Easy Use

QueryPie is built on modern cloud technologies, allowing easy installation and usage across various OS independently.

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